My big boy is throwing tantrums, is also eating his cereal really good opening his mouth when he sees the spoon, he is wanting to nap in his own bed instead of on top of me, and now he is also now starting to sit!=)
yes he is still falling over, he cant go for more than maybe 30 seconds at a time!
However for us Him being able to sit on his own without any support is a HUGE accomplishment!
He is a step closer to independent sitting, one step closer to crawling, and one step closer to walking!
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago
hi this thingy is annoying cus it won't let me sign on so now u have 2 claudia's, yay u!!!!!!!!! lol love all the pics and we should go to the zoo next time =) lol well after we go and watch alice in wonderland. and i don't believe u wen u say jesus is throwing tantrums, he's such an angel that maybe u r imagining things =P jk
oops messed up.... he's such an angel and i think that maybe u r imagining things =P jk
so uhm... yeah i ate lots of words lol
Way to go Jesus! Pretty soon you will be sitting up all by yourself. I bet you are making your momma so proud!
Jesus, your mommy doesn't know what she's in for now, does she? :)
You have the post precious smile. You have been through so much in the past 8 weeks and you still keep smiling. Stay strong sweet boy!
I do love his smile! And I can't wait to see him sitting and crawling and walking and running!
i was just reading our old blog trying to figure out when frankie started sitting up, he was 13 1/2 months old! Jesus is doing great!!!!!!!!!
Those are some big accomplishments!!! Way to go Jesus! Keep smiling and keep making your momma proud
Good job sweet boy. I love your hair.
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