We try to have meal time together every meal even now that daddy isn't home we try to keep this time as family time so here is what its like i make the food and Esmeralda helps me set the table, Jesus enjoys eating yogurt so his meal is yogurt or pudding. i sit him down in the high chair and feed him, he is still not feeding himself actually if i put the bowl or spoon to close to him he will fling them and make a huge mess. then in the middle of eating or sometimes in the beginning Xavier realizes that he isn't part of our meal time so he starts crying so if you can imagine me with my 3 kids trying to listen to all the things Esmeralda has to say, trying to Feed Jesus and have him not make a big mess while i nurse Xavier and try to eat all at the same time. yes its hard and yes i sometimes feel overwhelmed and yes sometimes i feel like crying.
I miss having my hubby around and having an adult to talk to and basically there are times when i don't feel as strong as people say i am...
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago
It sounds like meal time has turned into hectic family time, you're doing good mama, i'm proud of you
You are doing great...a routine like this is exactly what the kids (and you!) need. Keep it up, even though it's so hard...they will get with the routine in a few days/weeks, and it will be much easier. And this is sooooo important for all of you as you walk this path, waiting for Daddy to come home. Love and hugs, Cindy :)
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